Aira vive en Wada, una aldea del Amazonas rodeada por ríos, con su abuelo Aritama quien es un poderoso chamán. Aira enfrenta espíritus, tormentas, enfermedades y sus propios miedos, descubriendo secretos y antiguos conocimientos en la selva. 
Aira lives in Wada, an Amazonian village surrounded by rivers, with her grandfather Aritama, who is a powerful shaman. Aira faces spirits, storms, illnesses, and her own fears. Decovering secrets and ancient knowledge in the jungle.
Genre and Subgenre: Fantasy, Epic Adventure 
Duration: 85 minutes
Target Audience: Family Co-viewing
Status: In Development 
Estimate Release: 2025
Language: Spanish and Indigenous Languages
Director: Máncel Martínez
Production Company: Umyk STUDIOS
Executive Producer: Cristhian Pinto
Producers: Cristhian Pinto, Máncel Martínez, Arelis Ruiz, Cristina Corredor.
Co-producers: Del Toro Films (Argentina) - Red Vector (Colombia)  

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